More Animals - More Bible

Now, I’ve already talked about the bad start of the animal kingdom, but I actually missed something prior. It appears that animals were screwed, even before the snake incident. You see, animals were created directly by God, and everything he does is perfect.

They have no original sin, yet they age, get sick, and die, just like humans. But humans deserve to age and die, because they ate some fruit. Animals don’t have an original sin, so their problems must have been intentionally created by God. Animals must have been created defective. Worst of all, they have no Messiah, so they have no hope of ever escaping their mortal fate.

Now let’s fastforward a couple thousand years. Some horny angels have come to earth and botched things up for everyone. So, God decides to clean house. The troublemaking angels dematerialize and go back to heaven, while God floods the earth, killing almost all of the humans and animals. Once again, the animals find themselves caught up and punished for something that they were not involved in. And, if that’s not bad enough, as soon as Noah gets out of the ark, what does he do with these precious and rare animals? I mean, think about this for a second. The entire world population of animals has dwindled to two of each type, and seven of some special ones. Noah has just spent the last century carefully preparing and caring for them. So, he finally gets out into the squeaky clean earth, and what does he do? That’s right. He butchers a few of them.

Moving forward to the Exodus, we find that Pharaoh and God are involved in a bit of a spitting match. God decides to teach Pharaoh a lesson, so he sends him a bunch of problems. Have you ever stopped to think how many of the plagues affected the animals? Obviously, plague five was devastating to them, because it killed all of the Egyptians livestock, and, of course, plague ten was bad because it killed all firstborn, including the already-dead livestock. But plague two (frogs), three (lice), four (flies), and eight (locusts) made use of members of the animal kingdom to make humans uncomfortable. I don’t expect the lice or the locusts to garner much sympathy, but think of the wee frogs. Even the first plague, turning all water to blood, would have affected animals at least as much as humans. The fish, particularly, would have suffered.

While we’re on the subject of using animal overpopulation to get back at humans, what about the billions of quail that were heaped upon the camp of Israel? Not only were the birds crushingly overpopulated, but they soon died, raising a hell of a stink.

After the flood, God gave all animals to Noah to use as food. He also allowed humans to use animals as slaves, beasts of burden. To top it all off, a bunch of animals got insulted as “unclean”. Of course, being considered unclean exempted them from sacrifice duty, and prevented them from being used as food, so I don’t imagine they minded.

Finally, my mind turns back to my dog and his good fortune for not being God’s dog. There is probably no animal that gets treated by the Bible as poorly as dogs. They are mentioned 25 times in the scriptures, and invariably, they get insulted. They are associated with sinners, they lick up the blood of sinners, they hang out with bad people, they symbolize greed and lack of restraint, and they are used as a euphemism for vicious men and men who mutilate flesh.

So, there you have it folks. If you thought that you have it rough as a human, just be thankful you’re not a dog!

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3 Responses to “More Animals - More Bible”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Remember the "honorable" Samson who was a respected worshipper of God? How about the time when he sat Foxes on fire and sent them into the fields to burn the crops of God's enemies. Yes, Samson was an animal lover like God and a "honorable" man. Samson had no morals either. He hopped from bed to bed, until eventually getting a hair cut which sapped his power. Yes, Samson was a honorable man, loved by God, but not by the animal rights people.

  2. Anonymous says:

    goshshshshhshshs! dude, seriously, the bible is such a stupid book, but how do I make my loved ones know this!!! can't they see it?!!

  3. Anonymous says:


    Noah's flood it is based upon Gilgamesh Epic, that was written thousand years before. There wasn't any world wide flood, in fact the last flooding of the Mesopotamian area took place 3,500 years back, plus we had flooding all over the globe during the end of the last Ice age, 10,500 years ago. That's why we have legends of flood all over the world.

    And another question: Why did a "loving God" created flesh eating animals? And this pattern it is found even in Dynosaurus era. Why didn't He created peaceful grass eating animals, and we have this horrible killings, animals to eat alive other animals?

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